
"I LOVE Mulled Wine Concerts as they are so intimate.
See you soon
With gratitude, Helen"

Stories and Press Realeases

IOTA Ensemble


Kapiti concertgoers are in for a real treat when one of the Southern Hemisphere's top classical music ensembles visits the Paekakariki Memorial Hall on Sunday March 5. The IOTA Quintet results from the vision of pianist Kathryn Mosley and her sister, NZSO cellist Eleanor Carter.

New Zealand born sisters Eleanor and Kathryn have performed together from an early age. They are the only siblings ever to have won concurrent ABRSM scholarships which resulted in Eleanor studying at the Royal College of Music, London, while Kathryn attended the Royal Academy. They have performed on numerous occasions both throughout the United Kingdom, Europe, and New Zealand. In the Iota Quintet, Kathryn (piano) and Eleanor (cello) are joined by Elizabeth Patchett (violin), Lyndsay Mountfort (viola) and Damien Eckersley (double bass), all of whom are current members of the NZSO.

The quintet will play in the delightful Memorial Hall on the Paekakariki sea front. They will present music by Schubert (the 'Trout' Quintet in A Major) Vaughan Williams (the Quintet in C minor) and the American Rounds piece by Martin Butler.

Mulled Wine Concerts have been presenting concerts on the Kapiti Coast for over fifteen years and organiser Mary Gow is pleased that the Iota Quintet have agreed to perform. “Kapiti has had a couple of years when it has been very difficult to hear really good live music” she says. “The Covid era reduced the audiences for live music considerably, but now things are getting back to normal, we can again present the best New Zealand classical musicians”. Gow notes that it is a prime objective of her organisation to keep ticket prices affordable and to encourage first time concertgoers and young aspiring musicians to come out and hear the very best that the country has to offer in classical music. “We try to keep the concerts fun”, she says “The artists are always willing to talk about what they do and to interact with members of the audience”.

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